Adjust the plugin settings by visiting wp-admin > Settings > MyCryptoCheckout > Global Settings.
Gateway discounts or fees
MyCryptoCheckout offers settings to discount or mark up sales if the gateway is used.
The markup amount setting will modify the checkout amount with a fixed amount.
The markup % setting will modify the checkout amount with a percentage.
QR code settings
Here you can change the default QR code settings.
The QR code status setting can modify whether QR codes are enabled or disabled on the order confirmation page.
The QR code HTML textbox can modify the default HTML used to display the QR codes.
Payment timer settings
Here you can change the default payment timer settings.
The Payment timer status setting can modify whether or not the payment timer is displayed on the order confirmation page.
The Payment timer HTML textbox can modify the default HTML used to display the timer.
Debugging settings
Here you can change the default debugging settings.