To enable MyCryptoCheckout for Easy Digital Downloads:
- edit your purchase receipt e-mail
- put the {mcc_instructions} tag somewhere near the top
This will add payment instructions in e-mail receipts for orders that are unpaid. The instructions will not be displayed for paid orders.
Generally, after configuring your currencies, you should have a look at the MyCryptoCheckout payment gateway settings for Easy Digital Downloads.
Test mode will allow you to create orders without sending any payment information to the MCC API server. This will allow you, for example, to customize or translate your payment instruction texts so that it suits your webshop, without having to waste any real MCC payments this month.
The gateway name is the name of MCC as visible to the buyer during checkout.
The e-mail instructions are displayed in the purchase confirmation e-mail sent to the user after ordering. The instructions are not shown if the order has been paid.
The online instructions are displayed to the user after checkout, showing how to pay for the order.
The shortcode checkbox controls whether MCC should automatically insert the instructions into the edd_receipt shortcode that is normally used on the checkout page. See the screenshot below showing the instructions tag that should be used in the purchase receipts.
The text for currency selection is the label of the currency selection input during checkout.
The last checkbox will reset the MCC settings to the defaults.