Cryptocurrency Settings

You can choose to accept cryptocurrency payments in as many currencies as you wish. You may have one or more wallets (addresses) per currency, or HD wallets that generate new addresses per transaction. If you are on a WordPress multisite network, you can assign wallets to specific blogs.

Add, Remove, or Disable currencies

1) In the WordPress admin go to settings > MyCryptoCheckout.

2) Click into the currencies tab.

3) Add a currency by selecting the currency, entering in the wallet address, and then save the settings. If you happen to configure more than one wallet per currency, the wallets are used in a round-robin fashion. To generate a unique address per transaction consider using an HD wallet instead, more on that below.

Editing a wallet

1) To edit a wallet, click on the address from the currencies overview tab.

2) Each address has options associated with it. Certain cryptocurrencies have specific options such as HD pub keys, ENS addresses, etc.

Address options include:

  • Label
  • Address
  • Enabled
  • Confirmations
  • HD wallet Settings (BTC, LTC, and some others)
  • ENS address (ETH and ERC20 tokens)

Sort Wallets Order

The wallets can be sorted by dragging and dropping. Grab them by the currency name like “Bitcoin BTC” and move them up or down in the list. See the video below for a demo.


You can change the address of a wallet. Changing the address will not affect any orders awaiting payment, only future orders.

Some currencies allow for changing the number of confirmations required for the payment to be regarded as complete. It is usually fine to keep this value at 1. If you raise this number, expect payments to take longer to complete depending on the blockchain. Some wallets (BCH, BTC, BTG, BZX, DASH, DCR, DGB, LTC, XVG, ZEC) optionally support 0-conf payments.

If you have installed MyCryptoCheckout on a WordPress network, you may select whether the wallet is available on the whole network or just specific sites. To enable specific sites, uncheck the network checkbox and select one or more blogs on which to enable the wallet.