The snippet below moves the MCC payment information higher up on the page, either to the top of the side column or the main column, depending on your preference.
Note that on small devices the side column is displayed first.
@brief Moves the MCC payment instructions higher up on the page.
@since 2018-03-14 21:12:43
function mcc_fix_the7_checkout()
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ )
// CONFIG: Where should the payment instructions be moved?
// You can choose .wc-side-column or .wc-wide-column
var move_to = '.wc-side-column';
// Find the mcc instructions div.
var $instructions = $( '.mcc.online_payment_instructions' );
if ( $instructions.length < 1 )
var $column = $( move_to );
if ( $column.length < 1 )
// Move the div.
$instructions.prependTo( $column );
// Convert the h2 to an h4
var $h2 = $( 'h2', $instructions );
var $h4 = $( '<h4>' ).html( $h2.html() );
// Put the h4 in the column.
$h4.prependTo( $instructions );
// And remove the old h2
} );
add_action( 'woocommerce_thankyou_mycryptocheckout', 'mcc_fix_the7_checkout' );