The following snippet modified how many decimals a currency uses.
This could be useful if you prefer not to use any decimals at all (0) or your customers are going to use a wallet that doesn’t have the same decimal support as the currency itself does.
@brief Change the decimal precision of a currency.
@since 2018-12-09 17:24:52
function mcc_mycryptocheckout_get_currencies( $action )
$currencies = [
'BTC' => 4,
'ETH' => 0, // No decimals
foreach( $currencies as $currency_id => $decimal_precision )
// Check that MCC has the currency.
if ( ! $action->currencies->has( $currency_id ) )
// Change the decimal precision to 0, to not have any decimals at all.
$action->currencies->get( $currency_id )
->decimal_precision = $decimal_precision;
add_action( 'mycryptocheckout_get_currencies', 'mcc_mycryptocheckout_get_currencies' );